Yoga in Motion
Yoga Therapy
Teacher Training
Sri Lanka
13.- 25. April 2025

Yoga Therapy in Sri Lanka
- Help, when and how much
- For which symptoms and problems do I design a yoga sequence (e.g. knee, ankle, hip, back, shoulder, neck, headache, digestion, sleep disorders, stress, depression, anxiety, anger, rage, heartbreak, alignment, etc.)?
- meaningful individual classes/coaching, its design, personal approach to the client, step-by-step plan
- Yoga and its effect on the body-mind-spirit system: physical, mental, emotional, psychological
- Contemplation, meditation: when-what-how-why
- Yoga and nutrition
- The eightfold path of yoga from a different personal and contemporary perspective
- The Five Elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine, their meaning and focus, the connection to physical and psychological symptoms and how this knowledge can be applied in yoga therapy
- Aspects of Ayurveda
- Shamanic influences
- Holistic listening
- Connecting with the energy of the group or individual, feeling it and doing "the right thing"
- Creating a safe space
- Increasing and maintaining energy
- Your own energetic cleansing after hours and sessions
- Daily practice
- Practice with your partner
How do I know all this?
- This training is based on my very personal experiences of the last twenty years of practice, teaching and personal training.
- My own personal journey and healing on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level
- The healing of my own knees after being told that by my mid-forties I would definitely have to have two artificial knees. That was my last visit to the doctor in 1997. I still have my first two knees and I'm now in my fifties... and in perfect health!
- I have also gained experience in different types of Yoga, such as Raja Yoga, Kundalini Yoga and Hatha Yoga.
- in different styles of Hatha Yoga such as Iyengar Yoga, Asthanga Yoga, Power Yoga, Shivanada Yoga, Vinyassa Yoga, Tri Yoga Flow, Fascia Yoga, Yin Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Kala-Yoga.
- I have worked with doctors and psychologists who have certified the effectiveness of my methods.
- I have worked and studied with Ayurvedic doctors, nursery school teachers, psychotherapists, physiotherapists, massage therapists and masseurs.
- I have basic training in Ayurveda and Ayurvedic massage.
- I am a shaman in the South American tradition of Alberto Villoldo.
- I use Tachyon Energy (the potential of free energy) to activate the body's self-healing powers and am trained as a Tachyon Practitioner, Tachyon Specialist and Tachopuncturist,
- I am trained in the Dorn Stone Method according to Emil Reyer and was able to learn and apply some massage techniques.
- My experience with a variety of diets and nutritional strategies such as vegetarian and vegan diets, low carb diets, ketogenic diets, blood group diets, Ayurveda, alkaline diets, fasting, intermittent fasting and juice fasting, Methuselah diets and raw food diets.
How can you participate?
- The best way is to contact me personally: lars@mo-yo.de .
- talk about the requirements the possibilities
- the conditions and modalities
- I will answer all your questions in advance.
- You should feel the call within you and burn for it.
Look forward to taking your yoga practice and teaching to the next level!
I look forward to sharing my experience with you.
If you have any questions, please feel free to send an
email to lars@mo-yo.de
or call me on +94 740938873
Yoga & Motion
Jungle Beach Ahungalla / Sri Lanka
Info and registration
+94 740938873 (Lars)
You have completed another yoga teacher training and would like to learn and teach more
You did your yoga teacher training with me
You really want it and are passionate about it
You feel the call within
Do you want to integrate yoga?
into your life?
The training for
Self Effective Yogi

Lars Ehrhardt
Lars Ehrhardt
Yoga teacher for twenty years,
full-time and professionally.
With over 15,000 hours of teaching, 14 years of training as a yoga teacher, many yoga retreats and workshops worldwide and well over 1000 students, I have the experience to meet you where you are so that you can move forward.