Yoga in Motion

with Lars Ehrhardt @JungleBeachAhungalla 

Professional Yoga
precise instructions
individual correction

Yoga Online Classes
Yoga Retreat Day
Yoga Self Effective Teaching Programme
Yoga Teacher Training
Yoga Therapy Teacher Training
Personal Yoga Therapy Sessions

Wie sind die Online Kurse geregelt?

  1. Die Kurse sind offen. D.h. du kannst frei wählen, wann und wie oft du mitmachen möchtest
  1. Jede Yogastunde dauert 75 Minuten.
  1. Eine Stunde kostet 15,00 Euro / Fünferkarte 75,00 Euro                                             10er Karte 140,00 Euro.

        4.  Melde dich bei Zoom Call mit

            deinem vollständigen Namen  

             als Benutzernamen an.

             Alternativ kannst du dir auch

             ein gut lesbares Namensschild 

            (wie in der Schule ;-)) basteln.

            (Nicht identifizierbare

             Teilnehmer werden

            leider ausgeschlossen!)

Yoga Online Classes

  one class  / 75min

Registration required


07:00 to 08:15 am


09:00 to 10:15 pm

personal sessions

on request

live and online

Yoga Teachers Training - click here
Yoga Therapy Teachers Training - click here
Yoga Self Effective Teaching Programme -
click here
Yoga Retreat 7 days - click here
Meditation Retreat 5 days - click here

Self-Effective Yoga
Discover the
yoga within

This course is a 4 month intensive programme
Online video course with live support
Discover the yoga within!
For more information visit:

How you can take part:

- Register in time for the next block or the next available class:
- You will be informed immediately if there is a place available
- Once you have paid, your registration is binding
- Please be in the room 10 minutes before the class starts so that you can arrive in peace
- You participate in the yoga classes at your own risk
- The yoga programme is designed for the average "healthy" person. If an exercise is too challenging, don't force it, listen to your body. There is always an alternative for every exercise

- If you have any limitations and/or are on medication, talk to your doctor or therapist and get confirmation that it is OK for you to take part in a yoga class
- Let me know about any limitations
- Tell me if you are pregnant
- You are attending the yoga class on your own responsibility, it is not a substitute for taking medication
- It is not a substitute for medical therapy, physiotherapy or psychotherapy


Please pay after receiving the confirmation email for the course.

You can pay here:

Online 75 minutes: 2.500,00 LKR
Block of five: 11.000 LKR
Yoga Retreat Day: 12.000.00 LKR

Take your Yoga practice to the next level

I look forward to sharing my experiences with you
and to the next level of your yoga practice.

if you have any questions please
email me 

or WhatsApp 0740938873


Yoga & Motion

Jungel Beach Events


Info and registration

0740938873 (Lars)

Yoga with Lars Ehrhardt

I am an expert

You will receive coordinated yoga sessions with precise and individualised corrections

Time for you

Take the time to make this a special moment for you

More details about me

I have been a yoga therapist, yoga teacher trainer and staff trainer for twenty years.
I learned the traditional Chinese medicine,
to use free energy to activate the self-healing process and the shamanism of the lakes of South America

the special

Every hour is unique, let me know what you need before

Do you want Self-Effektive-Yoga

incorporate in your life?

the new training for Self Effective Yogi and Yogini

Lars Ehrhardt

Lars Ehrhardt 

Yoga teacher since twenty years full-time and professional

With more than 15.000 hours of teaching 4 years of trained yoga teachers, a lot oof yoga retreats and workshops worldwide with more than 1.000 yoga students.

I have the expertise to pick you up, where you are so that  you can move forward.

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