Yoga in Motion
Yoga - Retreat - Day
One Saturday every month

Wie sind die Online Kurse geregelt?
- Die Kurse sind offen. D.h. du kannst frei wählen, wann und wie oft du mitmachen möchtest
- Jede Yogastunde dauert 75 Minuten.
- Eine Stunde kostet 15,00 Euro / Fünferkarte 75,00 Euro 10er Karte 140,00 Euro.
4. Melde dich bei Zoom Call mit
deinem vollständigen Namen
als Benutzernamen an.
Alternativ kannst du dir auch
ein gut lesbares Namensschild
(wie in der Schule ;-)) basteln.
(Nicht identifizierbare
Teilnehmer werden
leider ausgeschlossen!)
Das Yoga-Tages-Retreat
This yoga day is a very special day.
Enjoy this retreat in a small group.
I will cater to your needs on this day with everything yoga has to offer:
Asanas - coordinated physical exercises,
Pranayamas - integrated breathing exercises
Dhyana - various meditations
and plenty of time for any questions you may have about yoga.
There will be two yoga sessions and of course a good break :-)
08:30 am:
- Please arrive and check in on time.
08:45 to 11:15 am
- Guided meditation.
- Asanas, physical exercises tailored to your needs.
- eye exercises
- Pranayama, basic breathing exercise.
12:00 to 13:30 pm: Break
- light lunch
13:30 to 16:00 Uhr :
- Asanas, yoga practice for expansion and inner peace.
- Pranayama, breathing exercises for harmony and balance.
- silent meditation
During the classes, in the breaks and at the end of the day, there is room for all kinds of questions, from yoga to personal experiences.
I look forward to my experiences
to share with you from the last few years!
If you have any questions, please send us an
email to
or via WhatsApp 0740938873
Yoga & Motion
Information und Registration
Do you want Self-Effektive-Yoga
incorporate in your life?
the new training for Self Effective Yogi and Yogini

Lars Ehrhardt
Lars Ehrhardt
Yoga teacher since twenty years full-time and professional
With more than 15.000 hours of teaching 124years of trained yoga teachers, a lot oof yoga retreats and workshops worldwide with more than 1.000 yoga students.
I have the expertise to pick you up, where you are so that you can move forward.